Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The yarn has a mind of its own

Sometime around 2003-4, I acquired this magnificent yarn from the now defunct Northern Woolies in Greenfield MA...Green Mountain Spinnery, Day Lily. Orange in its most awesome hue. I attempted an Elizabeth Zimerman sweater, and it didn't work out exactly, so I dropped it and stashed this mountain of orange yarn away in the Stash Box™.

I keep meaning to re-try the sweater, but as of yet, it's not happening.

Today, I learned that Lisa, a dear friend and hero, may be facing cancer for the 3rd time in a short span of time. I am angry, sad, scared, and hoping for the fucking best possible outcome. My heart is with her and Neil tonight.

So about that yarn...I was messaging with Lisa and I asked her if she needed anything, and what her favorite color is, b/c I want to knit for her...

Her answer?

Orange or...fuschia.

AWESOME. I love her more now. When I think favorite color, I expect "Blue" "Green" "Purple"...After purple, my favrorite color is orange.

So there's all of this yarn, and some needles, and a pattern, and a woman who needs every prayer and good vibe she can get. And she deserves so many more, just b/c of who and what she is and what she does.

It's odd how at a time like this I realize the value of knitting in my life. I'm 3000 miles away, but I can knit. I can always knit.

Monday, February 9, 2009

What's new Pussycat?

I've been...busy. Seriously busy. Not so much with day to day stuff, but the stuff in my head, and avoiding it.

Anyway...Cascade Fixation Effects Color 9192, finally on its way to me.

Also ordered a skein of Trekking in some colorway. I'm too lazy to look it up right now...Oh, wait, Aquamarine? It's a gorgeous variegated blue.

Knitting Broadripple from Knitty with Cascade Fixation Effects #9030, Denim. Pretty sock! #1 almost done.

This weekend, I cooked Baked Macaroni and Cheese (Alton Brown), and we made Chip Chops (also Alton)...On Sunday I made Linguine Carbonara at 12:30 p.m.

I'm having a pre-midlife crisis. This 9-5 gig is making me painfully realize that I'm not built for 9-5 work. At all. Or the dress code. I'm rethinking my PhD and pondering: farm + sheep + spinning wheel + ....

Yep. I yearn for my garden. No wonder I'm so depressed. I should be ordering seeds, drawing plots and planning. Hrm.