Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The yarn has a mind of its own

Sometime around 2003-4, I acquired this magnificent yarn from the now defunct Northern Woolies in Greenfield MA...Green Mountain Spinnery, Day Lily. Orange in its most awesome hue. I attempted an Elizabeth Zimerman sweater, and it didn't work out exactly, so I dropped it and stashed this mountain of orange yarn away in the Stash Box™.

I keep meaning to re-try the sweater, but as of yet, it's not happening.

Today, I learned that Lisa, a dear friend and hero, may be facing cancer for the 3rd time in a short span of time. I am angry, sad, scared, and hoping for the fucking best possible outcome. My heart is with her and Neil tonight.

So about that yarn...I was messaging with Lisa and I asked her if she needed anything, and what her favorite color is, b/c I want to knit for her...

Her answer?

Orange or...fuschia.

AWESOME. I love her more now. When I think favorite color, I expect "Blue" "Green" "Purple"...After purple, my favrorite color is orange.

So there's all of this yarn, and some needles, and a pattern, and a woman who needs every prayer and good vibe she can get. And she deserves so many more, just b/c of who and what she is and what she does.

It's odd how at a time like this I realize the value of knitting in my life. I'm 3000 miles away, but I can knit. I can always knit.

1 comment:

  1. Remember the comfort that you find when you knit -- even as you are going through your current issues both with your mother and friend. It will bring you great solace. Best wishes, Heather.
